Kill 'Fear' before fear "kills you". Corona 2020, we will kill this Corona

Kill 'Fear' before fear "kills you"

"Fear - Name less , Unreasoning terror which paralyses efforts to convert retreat into advance".
                                                         -Franklin D Roosevelt

"Cowards Die Many Times","The Brave Die But Once".
Each of us has only one life but how many of us 'die a thousand deaths' in fear and nervousness.

A Arabic Folk Tale- 

A wise old man, travelling on a desert road to Baghdad met the figure of pestilence hurrying ahead of him.
 Why are you in such a haste to reach Baghdad? asked the old man.
"I'm due to take 5000 lives in the city", Pestilence replied before it went away.
Later on the journey return, they chanced to meet again. 
"You lied to me", said the old man reproachfully.
"You said you would take 5000 lives but you took away 10000 instead".
I didn't do it. Pestilence swore I took 5000 and not one more, FEAR killed the rest.

Pestilence- Any infectious disease that spread quickly and kills a lot of people .

In have read this story some where many times ago. But suddenly it came in my mind because we all are also facing the same kind of situation right now. The condition is not good but keep your strength and be optimistic. Kill your fear of corona and fight with whole heart.


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