The Great Gatsby- summary, character analysis, Must read the book.

The Great Gatsby
by F.Scott Fitzgerald
 an American novelist

The story about Jay Gatsby, whose life journey was very interesting. A boy from poor farmer family of North Dakota. But did not believe in his life as a poor, he had created his own world, a world of imagination and to made it true he left his house at the age of 16. The story how he made himself rich and his love story.

This story was narrated by Nick Carraway (first person narrator), a graduate from Yale University from Midwest, came to New York to start job in Bond business. He got house on rent in West Egg at Long Island, Where Mr. Gatsby was living. Mr. Gatsby used to throw large parties,  no one is invited ,any one could join that party. 

Mr. Carraway is cousin of Mrs. Daisy Buchanan and one day he went East Egg to visit Daisy, Where he met with Tom Buchanan and Jordan Baker.
Mr. Tom Buchanan was heir of rich family and football player at Yale University. He was husband of Daisy.
Jordan Baker was golf player and friend of Daisy, he met with her first time. On that Jordan asked to Nick that he might know some one at West Egg, like Mr. Gatsby. Here After five year Daisy heard the name Gatsby.
Daisy and Gatsby were in love five year ago and Gatsby went for war and for some reason was not come, here Daisy got married to Tom. On the day of marriage Daisy received a letter from Gatsby, he was asking to wait for him.
Tom and Nick were going together to the town via train and in middle Tom get down from the train and went to the garage of George B Wilson, who thought about himself that "he is so dumb that he don't know he is alive". Tom and George were talking about car suddenly a lady came down, wife of Mr. Wilson- Myrtle Wilson.In absence of Mr. Wilson , Tom had given a train ticket to Myrtle and asked to come town with second train and told to bring her sister Catherine to give a company to Nick. When all reached the town at apartment. Every one drinking and enjoying the moment. Nick Was thinking he started liking New York first time. So Tom and Myrtle was in a relation. Both Tom and Myrtle were Cheating their loved ones.
One day Mr. Gatsby had invited Nick to his party, Nick was the only one who got invitation. In party he was searching for Mr. Gatsby and met with Jordan. In the party everyone is talking about  Mr. Gatsby that he was a murderer etc and from where he is getting money.
In the party Mr. Gatsby came and met with Nick and called Jordan to talk alone....... When Jordan came out she was excited and said everything is clear now....
Mr. Gatsby had taken Nick for lunch one day and told him whatever every one is talking about him was wrong and he belonged to a rich family and he was a Oxford man.  After that they met with Mr. Mayer Wolfsheim, Friend of Mr. Gatsby and a person who had fixed the 1919 world series. Mr. Gatsby Asked Nick to do some thing for him and  Jordan was going to tell him over coffee, when you were going to meet .
Nick reached to meet Jordan and he was little irritate and asked what was going on.. Jordan said that Mr. Gatsbay wanted to you call Daisy for tea at your place and don't tell Daisy about Mr.Gatsby. In the evening when Nick reached home Gatsby was waiting for him but pretended not waiting and watching the view. Nick said he was going to call Daisy day after tomorrow. Nick could feel how much Gatsby was excited he had cleaned all garden grasses and brought her favorite flowers in the living room.
They both met on that day little embarrassed and Daisy had visited his place also and after that day she stated to visit Mr. Gatsby maximum. 
They were spending good time together but Mr. Gatsby's vision was something else. His all work only for Daisy, his all planing was about Daisy , He built this Place only for Daisy and throw parties so she could come some day. His future was also about Daisy, how they will live together.....
So he told Daisy to tell her husband that she never loved her and leave his house. So Daisy call Nick , Gatsby and Jordan one evening. Tom was also very curious about Mr. Gatsby's wealth, so he did little investigation. In the evening when everyone reached Tom started questioning Mr. Gatsby, Daisy was little nervous and Gatsby and Daisy were looking at each other, Tom had observed it. They decided to go to town. 
Tom asked to take Mr. Gatsby's car and on the he stopped at Wilson's garage for gas, Wilson told him that he and his wife were going from here. On that moment he became nervous, his wife and his mistress both were slipping from his hand. Daisy and Gatsby were coming from Tom's Blue car. They reached the hotel and conversation became very hot. Gatsby told that Daisy never loved you ,Tom. 
but Tom was talking to Daisy and asking that it is true Daisy. Daisy get more nervous and said i loved you once and i love you too ,Gatsby. Tom taunt Gatsby that we were rich , its blood, Daisy can't be your. Gatsby became very angry , like he could kill someone. Daisy returned with Gatsby in his Yellow car. Behind them Tom were returning with Nick and Jordan . on they there were crowed near the Garage so Tom become curious to go. They went there and found that Myrtle was dead, a Yellow  car hit her and she died immediately. Tom went to talk Mr. Wilson and told that Gatsby was the owner of That yellow car. Wilson asked maybe he was in relation with her wife, Tom said maybe.

In then night Nick reached Daisy's house. Gatsby was waiting outside in shrub. Where Nick got to know that Daisy was driving the car. Nick told Gatsby to go somewhere, but Gatsby said Daisy is going to call him in the morning and they both were going together. Nick and Gatsby both spend night together where Gatsby told truth abut him that his real name is  James Gatz. In morning Nick went to his office and Gatsby was waiting for Daisy's call. He decided to swim in his pool. On that day Wilson came to his place and killed him with gun and himself also.
Nick called and wrote every one for funeral and Daisy also, but she already had left with her family. A man had given so many party and many people attended their parties but no one came for his funeral. Gatsby was having only one men Nick.

Such a touching story.... a man did all thing for his love only, all about his love and in the she didn't come to his funeral even. A man reached to top for her, made his own life with his talent and vision. His life had changed due to love.

Few interesting lines from book- 
"If personality is an unbroken series of successful gesture, then there was something gorgeous about you."

"I want the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever."

"Life is much more successfully looked at from a single window"

"So dump to know that I'm live"

The Great Gatsby (2013) ,a movie, you can watch this movie, but I recommend to read the book first then watch the movie.
Mr. Amitabh Bachchan had also performed in this movie as a Mayer Wolfshiem

Thank you
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