
Showing posts from February, 2020

Three simple way to take care of child in changing weather , How to deal with it?/How stay healthy in this weather?

Changing weather is very challenging for every one because it comes with diseases like cold cough, fever,head-ache, body-ache, feeling tired etc... In this situation big task to keep safe a child from all these diseases.  Here I want to share few information/ tip to you  that how can you fight with this weather conditions. Time when winter is going and summer is coming and this is very pleasant  weather also. We can enjoy this weather with our kids if we keep these tips in our mind. 1- Stay hydrated-  In this weather we never feel thirsty so often we drink very -very less water. Water is evaporating from our body due to sun but we are not filling it. Our body needs same quantity of water in each weather . If you will not drink water then your body will not work properly and also it will not get proper oxygen . Due to that, our immune system will become weak and we can get  disease. now a days urine infection   in young children becomes very common and this is very seriou

Best way to develop good habit in kids with these simple techniques- "Parent child collaboration"

Building Good Habit in Kids- Good habit is always a very crucial topic for every parent. Every parent wants that their child learn good habits so they can become a good person in their life. It is very good that parent think about this but problem comes where we expect from kids to behave in certain ways or show good habits and as parent we always teach them to do like this not like that....... We expect from kids and maybe we are not doing it also, think! Here one thing is more important --- how kids learn things? Have you ever thought? if we know how will they learn this then it is very easy to teach them. Here I am going to share some information about parent -child relation because it is collaborative work. 1- First question , How do kids learn things? A kid is full of energy and curiosity so always respect it. They are eager to explore the world , they want to hear ,feel and see everything. So they have very good observing power, they observer everything around them.

What is Time

Time- समय  ⏰⏳ "समय वह चक्र है जो चलता  ही जाता है, हम समय का इंतजार ही करते रहते है वो चला जाता है, आज का समय अच्छा है की आने वाला होगा या तो पहले का समय ही अच्छा था, हम ये ही सोचते रह जाते है और समय चला जाता है, और फिर से हम समय का इंतजार करने लगते है.," ⏳ "समय वह चक्र है जो हमें सीखा जाता है, समय न रुका है ,न कभी रुकेगा , फिर भी हम इंतजार करते रहते है , हम तो रुक जाते है पर समय चला जाता है, हम समय से अच्छा समय मांगते रहते है, और समय हमसे हमारा  साथ मांगता है," ⏳ "समय वह चक्र है जो साथ चलना सिखाता है, साथ चल दिए तो समय तुम्हारा है, साथ न चले तो समय बेगाना बन जाता है, समय की कद्र करो, समय कभी धोखा नहीं देता, समय का इंतजार नहीं  समय के  साथ चलो." ⏳ "समय समय की बात है , आज समय उसका है तो कल समय तुम्हारा भी होगा, आज उसके समय से तुम न जलो , कल अपने समय पे तुम न गुमा करो, समय समय की बात है , आज समय तुम्हारा है तो कल समय उसका भी होगा," ⏳ रीडिंग लाइफ 

famous quotations/ inspiring and motivational thoughts

Quotation from books and by famous people Few lines directly reaches to our heart and change us completely. I love to collect good saying , quotation because it inspire and motivate me , its gives us new perspective for life, it console my heart, clear my thought, gives strength to take decisions. I hope you would also like these lines and try to change perspective of life, Life is all about your perception. The world shows only that phase which you want to see. So read it , accept it and pursue it. These lines are on spiritual basis  "खुद को दुसरो में सब तलासते है. पैर कुछ ऐसा करना चाहिए की जम्मना खुद को तुममे तलाशे  " "उठ जाग मुशाफिर  भोर भई , अब रैन  कँहा  जो सोवत है,  जो सोवत है सो खोवत है, जो जागत  है  सो पावत है, टूक  नींद से अंखिया  खोल जरा और अपने प्रभु से ध्यान लगा, यह प्रीत कारन की रीत नहीं,प्रभु जगत है तू सोवत है, जो कल करना हिअ आज करले,जो आज करना है वो अब कर ले, जब चिड़िया चुग खेत लिया,फिर पछतावत क्या होवत है, नादान भुगत अपनी करनी,ऐ पापी पाप मे

How get beautiful and soft skin / top 7 secret of flawless skin

How get beautiful skin- To looks beautiful or get beautiful is two different thing. If you want to look beautiful then it is very fast process apply good quality makeup and you will look beautiful.👸 If want a beautiful skin then its easy but little long process which demands your dedication and determination. I am going to share very basic and effective way to get beautiful and soft skin. But you have to promise that you will follow this on regular basis then only you will get result.💦 1- Water - 15 glass Per day 💧    M ost importing thing for your skin is water. Water is very essential for your body. It helps us to remove body's toxic things. so make sure you are drinking a lots of water. A minimum requirement of water for each kind of body is 10 glass of water (250 ml /glass) and maximum is 15 glass . If you drink this much water then surely you will get a beautiful skin. But most important thing is     after wakening up

Women - this is my life

Women            ये है मेरी  ज़िन्दगी   Today, during traveling a small distance, between my workplace to my home. I have seen many women or i have seen different types of women. All are different but not because of their character, they differ due to the people around them , because they have created a boundary for them. A women is full of different role in their life and each one expecting from her but no one try to understand them and their dream.   A women , before any daughter, wife, mother, daughter in law, is a only women. Why do people forget this usually? She has own mind, own decision. She has capabilities. Why do people underestimate her?                        I am a girl, when i was born ,i did not know people surrounded me were happy or sad or they were tense. when i was growing , i knew people had started thinking of me, my life , not because i am human , because i am a girl . Who has given them the right to decide my life. Now they will decide how much stu


                                                                बाते  कही सुनी सी बाते है सब                                                        शब्दों का हेर फेर है बस  कहना वही चाहते है सब  कहने का फेर है बस                                तुमने कुछ कहा  नहीं                                की हमने  कुछ सुना नहीं                                   की  तुमने कुछ  कहा                                  की हमने कुछ सुना                                  सुनने कहने की हेर फेर है बस. 

Things to do in Gwalior-city with history

Gwalior  Gwalior is famous due to various personality, places. It has important role in history, initialy  Raja Man Singh built his fort for his queens. After that Aurangzeb had taken over this place and convert it in to a jail, since it became a jail for Britisher also. After British it is transferred to scindia family. It has various places to visit- 1- Raja Man Singh Palace 2- Jahangir Palace 3- Johar Kund 4- Saas Bahu Tample 5- Teli ka Mandir 6- Guruduara 7- Zoo 8- Italian Garden 9- Rajmata Scindia Garden 10- Mela (in January and February) 11- Bada Market 12- Dahi Mandi Market 1- Raja Man Singh Palace - it built in late 15 century, it is famous for its design and structure and you are going to love this palace. there were different section for different activity, like music, prayer, meeting, celebration. in those days queens were not allowed to show their face in front of others, so king had built special places to silt. It was close place with net like structure