Best way to develop good habit in kids with these simple techniques- "Parent child collaboration"

Building Good Habit in Kids-

Good habit is always a very crucial topic for every parent. Every parent wants that their child learn good habits so they can become a good person in their life. It is very good that parent think about this but problem comes where we expect from kids to behave in certain ways or show good habits and as parent we always teach them to do like this not like that.......
We expect from kids and maybe we are not doing it also, think!
Here one thing is more important --- how kids learn things? Have you ever thought?
if we know how will they learn this then it is very easy to teach them. Here I am going to share some information about parent -child relation because it is collaborative work.

1- First question , How do kids learn things?

A kid is full of energy and curiosity so always respect it. They are eager to explore the world , they want to hear ,feel and see everything. So they have very good observing power, they observer everything around them. its mean kids observe thing and after that they try to imitate it. 
So, if want to teach anything to kids first imply it on your self. 
you can observe it in your daily life , they repeat your dialogue, if your habit is to speak loud then they will also speak loud with you. Every child emulates what they see.

2- What are good habits

- calmness, humbleness, welcome with smile , no stubbornness , greeting to others, listing elders, completing their work, taking responsibility.....

3- Now important thing is focus on yourself, how do we treat our kids?

A- Dealing with kids need a lot of patience 

B- Whenever you talk with your kid always be calm and use good words.

C- If kid have done something wrong , show them that you are angry but don't outburst with bad words, ask to kid that what do they think,they did right thing or wrong, let them answer,
 in punishment don't talk with them for few mins and after that teach them pro and cons of it.
this is best way to realize them their mistake. 

4- Let kids think  

we should teach to think to our kids. Because it is a very good habit for them and for their future. this is very easy to teach, always ask to your kids like -- why do you want this toy?
what will you do with this? What do want to do on this Sunday? why have you did this................

if kid is asking for a toy in mall then don't say no i will not buy , ask them which toy you want , why do you want this toy, you have already this kind of toy. I do buy toys for you but you break all toy so why do I buy again?
if you do this practice gradually you will see that your child think before to ask for toy and after some time he is not going to ask for it.

5- listen your kid , appreciate when they do right and teach them when they are wrong

parent always want a obedient kids. So, you have to obedient also if kids ask you something to do like, play with him. to cook his\her favorite food, ask to go his friend, ask help to collect his things......... just do it and pretend that ..." oh you want my help, i love to help you". They feel special and happy. Next time they are going to do same thing with you.
If your child is doing something wrong never say bchha hai galti hogayi. Always teach them to differentiate between wrong and right. Children should know that if they will do something right they will get appreciation and gift but if they did something bad or wrong then they will get punishment like -- no talking for 1 hr, no chocolate , no outdoor playing , for big kids --- wash your cloths, clean utensils, clean floor,.... etc(never beat your child )

6- Give responsibility and let them do ....

we can't make someone responsible in a day. Its take time and gradually it develops in a person. It is important to give little responsibility to kids. 
Responsibility like 
collecting own toys after play,
putting shoes on its place,
putting utensil in sink after meal,
helping in utensil arrangements,
help to put dry cloths inside,
watering plants,
washing toys and cloths,
always keep things at their place,
ask help for choosing cloths in shopping or going to ready for party,
place order in restaurant,
these are small small thing which will develop a confidence and daring to do thing on their own. This will develop a trust bond between you and your child.

7- House Environment 

Environment always a great factor in child learning. Your house environment should be happy and friendly. Create a environment in which child feel safe and happy, where he can trust everyone.
If you are living in joint family then ask your elder to spend good time with your kids, elder can share their experiences and can tell various stories. In joint family child learn to adjust with every one and understand individuality,  life process. But in joint family there should not be a back bitching and never in front of child . Everyone should respect each other and trust each other and talk about each other's good qualities and achievements.
If you are living in nuclear family. Then try to spend time with your kid also ask elders to visit occasionally or you visit there. Always talk about your elders (grandfather-grand mother,maternal grandfather-maternal grand mother) and Show respect and trust for elders. 

8- Mother -Father Relation

Mother Father relational is most important for kid. Because these two people are world for them. In whole world they are most precious for a kid. Parent is their life, friend, guide, support,everything. So if child noticed a minor problem or you can say bad behavior with each other , Parent are not trusting each other. May its not in your relation but somehow or sometime you both did something like this.... please be careful . A child is not able to understand all things, if something happen like this child will emotionally can't handle it. It will stuck in his mind forever. 

9-Plan weekly activity - picnic, outing, outdoor game,

Now a days situation has been changed, people have sifted in the apartment life which is very small and compose and who are living in individual house, they don't have a place or garden for kids to play. But physical activity and playing outdoor with other kids is more important for child physical and mental health. Please make some time for these activity with your kid. Sun and soil both are important for growth, they built up our immunity and strength. 

10- Greetings other

As initially i have said that children learn through observation, if you want to teach them something then first behave like that. Whenever meet someone always greet in proper way so can children observe it. always say greeting in complete sentence and loud voice, then children will also emulate.

11- Never compare 

Comparison is always a biggest enemy of person , it fill their mind with negativity so always try to stay away from it. It very common for parent to talk about their children like, your son is running very fast but mine ..., he come first in class and you did nothing, look he\she dance very well ....but you cant why..... my son got 98 and your ......
If your talking such kind of thing then please think again ,you are fetching your mind with negativity  and if your son /daughter has listen this then their mind  also. Negativity is very bad , it never end and it will turn you in wrath and jealous person.
Best way to deal with it just accept it, every child is unique and precious. Accept your child as it is. May be currently you and your child haven't explored his/her talents. May he /she is not performing well, may be he/she is not good in dance/writing etc. It doesn't matter at until you compare. 
Marks never matters everyone know, in the end only who is living happily and healthy life this matters. 
Every child comes with his/her unique talent and purpose in life so until he/she exploring it, wait and help. As parent your task is to bring new generation in the world and support to gain and understand the world. Always trust your child that he/she will do something great in their life. Fetch your child mind with good and positive thinking. 

I hope you will try to understand your child and never underestimate them.

Thank you 



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