Women - this is my life

ये है मेरी  ज़िन्दगी  
Today, during traveling a small distance, between my workplace to my home. I have seen many women or i have seen different types of women. All are different but not because of their character, they differ due to the people around them , because they have created a boundary for them.
A women is full of different role in their life and each one expecting from her but no one try to understand them and their dream.
  A women , before any daughter, wife, mother, daughter in law, is a only women. Why do people forget this usually? She has own mind, own decision. She has capabilities. Why do people underestimate her?
                       I am a girl, when i was born ,i did not know people surrounded me were happy or sad or they were tense. when i was growing , i knew people had started thinking of me, my life , not because i am human , because i am a girl . Who has given them the right to decide my life.
Now they will decide how much study is necessary for me, what and where i will study? What can i wear and whom can i talk?
                    parent do lots of thinking for their children. I like this but why they worried for me so much , you are a girl.....  am i not able to live my life...... don't you trust me....

                     When i have started study in college................. i realize that we have a wing , we can fly

but a fear .... they will cut it just due to their fear, fear of others, what they will say........

this hurts me so much, this almost kills my confidence, my hope, my self-respect....................... i will be sent from one place to another ..... now i have to follow theirs rule.......... where is my rule for me..... am i not able to creat my own rule , own life...........


i was weark... i am..   &  i will...????
i was dependent ... i am ....& i wil...???


Reading Life

अब  नहीं में कोई पतंग, जिसकी डोर रहे किसीके हाथ में,

अब नहीं में कोई पतंग , कोई उड़ाये , कोई काटे ,
अब नहीं में कोई पतंग , जिसका कोई लक्ष्य  नहीं।
अब नहीं में कोई फूल, जिसे तोड़ दिया जाये,
अब नहीं में कोई फूल, जिसे किसी को देदिया जाये,
अब नहीं में कोई फूल जिसे मस्सल दिया जाये,
अब नहीं  में कोई फूल, जो मुरझा जाये,
अब नहीं  में कोई फूल,  जन्मी थी किसी को समर्पित होने को,

अब जान लिया मेने की 
हूँ में एक सूरज की किरण जिसके बिना जीवन नहीं,

                                         हूँ में एक सूरज की किरण जिसके बिना अँधेरा ही                                                     हूँ में सूरज की एक किरण जिसे घूरो गे  तो जल  जाओगे,
        हूँ में एक सूरज की किरण जिसे रोकोगे तो मिट जाओगे।


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