How get beautiful and soft skin / top 7 secret of flawless skin

How get beautiful skin-

To looks beautiful or get beautiful is two different thing. If you want to look beautiful then it is very fast process apply good quality makeup and you will look beautiful.πŸ‘Έ

If want a beautiful skin then its easy but little long process which demands your dedication and determination. I am going to share very basic and effective way to get beautiful and soft skin. But you have to promise that you will follow this on regular basis then only you will get result.πŸ’¦

1- Water - 15 glass Per day πŸ’§   Most importing thing for your skin is water. Water is very essential for your body. It helps us to remove body's toxic things. so make sure you are drinking a lots of water. A minimum requirement of water for each kind of body is 10 glass of water (250 ml /glass) and maximum is 15 glass . If you drink this much water then surely you will get a beautiful skin. But most important thing is   after wakening up drink 2 to 4 glass warm water daily. drink more water before 2 p.m., because since morning to 2p.m. your body will be active and it will consume water which help in proper metabolism.  

2-Food and its time - Healthy food on time  πŸŒΏπŸŽπŸˆπŸ‹πŸ…πŸ†   Food is important for us but what we are eating and when its more important . After wakening up within 2 hr eat something , don't let your stomach empty. 

 Here  food rules:  

Breakfast : heavy and healthy like paratha ,vegetableπŸ‘Œ 
Lunch :     moderate like daal, vegetable with curd, salads, rice πŸ‘Œ 
Dinner:    very light like dali,ya, sprouts, salads  πŸ‘Œ  
Fruits :   Never take fruits just before and after meal ,mentain gap of 1/2 hr to 1hr. πŸ‘Œ 
Sweet:  Never take  sweet just before and after meal ,mentain gap of 1/2 hr to 1hr.   πŸ‘Ž 
Water: 1 glass water 1/2 an hour before meal and 1 glass 1/2 an hour after meal.
 Oil :    Use mustard oil for cooking and filtered oil for deep fry, Never use  this🍟🍩🍨πŸͺ❌ and REFINED OIL 
 Milk : Daily drink 1 glass of milk, you can mix haldi or dry fruits (cashew and almond)                                                                                   
3- Clean : Always Wash your face and hand with face wash   
   Never use soap on face ❌   it will make it dry.  
 Never sleep with makeup on face. 
 After coming from outside clean your face.
  Always use a good face wash, I personally recommend  HIMALAYA NEEM FACE  WASH

4- SUNSCREEN  : protect you face from  now a days sun is very harmful for our face so always wear sunscreen before going in sun. Always buy cream with SPF 20 or more then it , according to your exposour in sun .  I personally recommend Biotique  sandalwood, morning Nector . After applying cream always use good powder or compact because cream make your face sticky and moist so it will atrrect dust . If you will applying a compact after cream it will make your face non sticky. 


5- Night care : before going on bed wash your face  and apply good moisturizer or oil   
Be sure that you are not sleeping with your dirty face. so clean it with face wash and apply good moisturizer  like Biotique Coconut Moisturizer crem or You can apply some oil like Badam Rogan oil, Til oil, Coconut oil.     

   6- Weekly care : 2 times a week give 1/2 hr to your face  

 2 times in a week scrub you face with good quality scrub Himalayan apricot scrub,or use home made scrub  like Sugar-lemon scrub, rice flour with curd,  and apply some pack like Neem face pack, mud face pack ,fruit pack 

       or home based face pack like Besan+curd+haldi apply on face and hand for 20 min.     

besan ,haldi, dahi pack

lemon sugar scrub
7- Exercise: Last but most important  πŸƒ     
   Exercise is very essential for everyone and for everything. more your sweat more you will be healthy. Make sure you are doing any kind of exercise. Steal exercise time from your busy schedule,.

20 min - walking. running, cycling, its better if you do in open garden                                     
 10 min yoga paranayam and anlom vilom                                                                                  
 10 round surya namskar.
Thank you

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